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Further changes have been made to the rules relating to Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and Display Energy Certificates (DECs). The changes took effect from 9 January 2013 and include: Displaying...
The Family Justice Board’s Action Plan for reforming the Family Justice System states that by March 2015: All agencies and individuals within the Family Justice System should be working together...
It has been a good year for the enterprise management incentive (EMI) scheme. EMI is a tax-advantaged scheme promoted by the government to encourage share participation by employees. It is...
Concerns have recently been raised in the sector about academies and charitable status, in particular whether they are sufficiently independent from the Government. Academies are exempt charities pursuant to the...
The Humber Renewables Awards2013, which are dedicated to the Humber’s green energy industry andshowcase the “talent” the region offers the sector, brings togetherindividuals, businesses and other organisations which are allplaying...
Have you considered the impact that the withdrawal of Legal Aid for the majority of private law family cases will have? From April 2013 onwards anyone in the midst of...
Legal Professional Privilege: The Man from the Pru rebuffed by the Supreme Court In a previous article ” Legal Professional Privilege: Prudential Progress to the Supreme Court” we briefly discussed...
On 21 January 2013 the Government announced a Consultation on proposals to streamline the planning system. These proposals include: 1.) Design and Access Statements Design and Access Statements will only...
The 1 October 2012 was set as the date upon which significant reforms to the administration of Child Maintenance would come into force. Inevitably substantial delays have meant that as...
In an equally snow-bound January 2010, we published a piece on our website prompting landowner clients to think about some of the legal issues around the question “To Grit or...
Although introduced and in force from 1 October 2012 the Health & Safety Executive’s (“HSE”) Fee For Intervention (“FFI”) scheme is still unknown to some businesses. There has been mixed...
The Planning Minister, Nick Boles, has announced further incentives for neighbourhoods that prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. Currently, Parish and Town Councils have the ability to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan which...
We are delighted to announcethat we have pledged our support to For Entrepreneurs Only (“FEO”)by becoming their first key partner. Our support will help theorganisation to continue working towards their...
The Court of Appeal was facedwith the issue of whether a lap dancer was an employee orself-employed in Stringfellow Restaurants Ltd v Quashie. Ms Quashie worked as a lapdancer intermittently...
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