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Chartered Legal ExecutiveGemma Beedham has joined the Rollits property department to addstrength to its existing residential property team. Gemma is an experiencedproperty lawyer who specialises in residential property work. She...
Leading regional law firmRollits LLP has promoted five of its solicitors across a number ofkey service areas as it continues to invest in talent. Three senior solicitors –Rebecca Latus, Jennifer...
To celebrate his 60th Birthday Julian Wild is doing FOURBig Swims this summer – the Great North Swim in Lake Windermere onSunday 16 June 2013, the Jane Tomlinson Yorkshire Swim...
An earn out is an amount payable on a sale of shares in a company linked to its performance after the sale, typically profitability. Earn outs are back in fashion....
23 year old Holly Joyce, who studied at Hull College, hassecured a job as an Office Assistant at Rollits LLP aftercompleting her Business Administration and IT NVQ Level 3early. Hull...
Owners of properties along with landlords and tenants need to look at their air conditioning equipment to see whether any work is going to be needed to remove R22 which...
The current agreement between the Government and the Association of British Insurers (“ABI”) is due to end in July 2013. At the moment there is an arrangement between the Government...
What’s the big deal? The Green Deal enables a property owner to make energy saving improvements, such as loft insulation, double glazing and solar panels, without having to meet the...
The Government has laid before Parliament a significant number of further reforms to the planning system, which will come into force on 30 May 2013. These reforms follow on swiftly...
The concept of anapprenticeship dates back to the middle ages where a mastercraftsman would provide lodgings and training to a willingindividual in return for cheap labour. The primary purpose of...
We have recognised theabilities of two of our Associates, Ed Jennesonand Gerry Morrison, by promoting them to Partner,bringing the total number of partners within the firm to21. Ed and Gerry...
Most people think about whatwill happen to their visible assets, such as their house orantiques, on their death and prepare a Will leaving these assets tothe desired beneficiary. Less people...
The Community Amateur SportsClub (“CASC”) scheme was introduced by the Finance Act in 2002 andenables local amateur sports clubs, subject to certain eligibilityconditions, to register with HMRC and to benefit...
1st April 2013 saw the introduction of a number of new rules, as the result of the Jackson Reforms, governing the conduct of litigation including the Court’s managing costs throughout...
The 16 March 2013 saw the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013 coming into force. The new regulations apply to commercial contracts for the supply of goods or services...
Just over a week ago the Ministry of Justice announced that it would fund the Citizens Advice Bureau’s Family Law Service at the Royal Courts of Justice to the tune...
At today’s seminar we referred to employee shareholdercontracts. In yesterday’s budget it was announced that employee shareholder contracts would come into force on 1 September 2013 (untillast week it was...
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