Effective decision making, holding productive meetings and the role of the Chair. banner


Effective decision making, holding productive meetings and the role of the Chair.

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We recently held part two of our ‘Good Governance Series’ of Charity Breakfast Briefings which focused on effective decision making, holding productive meetings and the role of the Chair.

Effective decision making and holding production meetings are imperative for the operation of charity business and are essential in engaging trustees, senior leaders and others coming into contact with the Charity. Understanding how decisions are taken, what makes an effective meeting and how those decisions will be implemented in future are key for any board of trustees. Trustees need to focus on achieving a charity’s mission for the benefit of the public and holding meetings effectively and efficiently under the leadership of a good Chair can help a charity achieve its purposes.

Our seminar focused on the aspects below which we think are key components of good governance.

Effective Decision Making

Voting - Votes should be taken only by those who are entitled to vote, in accordance with their voting rights. Clearly drafted resolutions will document which decisions are being taken, and who is authorised to carry them through.  All decisions must be made in the charity’s best interests.

Minutes - The meeting should remain quorate throughout and the minutes should document that a quorate meeting was held, how conflicts of interest were managed and provide an accurate record of the decisions that were taken. We also recommend charities keep an agenda and minute template covering off the standard points to consider such as the quorum and declarations of interest.

Holding Productive Meetings

Convening a meeting should be done in accordance with the notice provisions in a charity’s governing document, with notice being given to all who are entitled to receive it. It should at least state the date, time, duration and place of the meeting (or the online platform).

It can be extremely useful to circulate an agenda along with the notice. A well drafted agenda enables the Trustees to have an informed, organised and productive meeting.

The Role of the Chair

A Chair, amongst many other things, will provide leadership, ensure that Trustees operate within the charity’s purposes and achieves its strategic mission, and oversee that the Trustees discharge their legal duties and responsibilities to implement effective governance of the charity.

A Chair should ensure that all Trustees contribute to the wider debate and not just the subject on which they feel most knowledgeable and comfortable speaking on. A good chair would also collate contributions from the trustees at meetings, summarising debate and discussion to enable a clear vote.

We look forward to delivering our final part of the series which will take place at our Hull office on 22 May 2024 and will focus on how governing documents can improve operational efficiency.

This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.
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    Written by Millie Bird
