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Aidan Johnson – Trainee Blog

August 2024

The end of August marks the end of my first year as a Trainee at Rollits. The first year of my Training Contract has gone quite quickly, and I have really enjoyed each of the departments which I have worked in so far.

Approaching the end of my seat, I have been trying to progress my ongoing files as much as possible. This has been a bit challenging at times, but it has been rewarding to see a few of these matters over the line. I also managed to assist the team going forwards by preparing for a transaction on a file which I initially picked up in March, and it has been interesting to see this matter develop into the sale of a large piece of agricultural land. Preparation for this sale has involved reporting on title, meeting with a surveyor, and drafting CPSE replies.

Whilst I have really enjoyed my work in the Property Department and working with the team, I am also looking forward to starting my next seat in the Private Capital department as a second year trainee!

July 2024

July has been a steady month for me in the Property Department, but I had quite a busy end to the month as we welcomed our second cohort of work experience students!

It has been rewarding to register some transfers for one of our key clients, which has allowed me to refamiliarise myself with some of the important post-completion steps. Although I am approaching the end of my second seat, I am still having the opportunity to take on new challenges. For example, this month I had the chance to assist two of my colleagues with first registrations, which is something I haven’t done before. I have also spent a lot of time this month drafting documents and assisting the team with the registration of a multi-property transaction.

This month saw us host our Annual Charity Golf Day at Brough Golf Club. The event itself was successful and we had a great turn out, it was nice to have the chance to network with people outside of the firm. Rollits also took part in the Driffield Show, being in the Property Department, it was interesting to have an insight into our agricultural client base.

June 2024

We recently welcomed this year’s first cohort of work experience students into the firm. As trainees, we enjoyed the responsibility of overseeing and allocating work to each of the work experience students whilst in our respective departments.

I have spent a lot of time drafting legal documents such as Statements of Truth, as well as completing various Land Registry documents. My workload has been quite varied in this seat, so although I am becoming more familiar with some of the more common tasks which I am asked to complete, I still come across tasks which are completely new to me. For example, recently I did some research on the succession rights which apply to agricultural tenancies under the AHA 1986, and how one of our clients can protect their land against the creation of dedicated highways. I found both research tasks really interesting, and it has been rewarding to apply the law to a practical scenario.

May 2024

This month I was able to complete on a transaction which I have been handling since joining the department in March and I was happy to have the opportunity to see this matter through to completion. This gave me a better understanding of the processes which need to be undertaken when completing a property transaction.

I have been asked to do some research into the formalities of amending a deed which is still in the course of registration at the Land Registry. I have also done some more general research on the execution of property deeds, which has included looking into situations where a deed has been executed by a company director.

Earlier this month I attended the ERVHN conference in support of our charities team here at Rollits. It was nice to spend some time outside of the office meeting new people and it was insightful to see how the work which we do in the property department can overlap with some of our other departments, such as charities.

April 2024

It has been another very busy month in the Property department, I feel like I am settling into the department and getting used to the workload. The workload is really varied in the Property seat, so I always feel like I am always learning new things and improving my practical skills.

I have been asked to conduct several drafting tasks this month. This has ranged from drafting letters to the Land Registry, HMRC, and letters to clients providing instructions and advice. I have also spent some time this month preparing lease reports for the team, as well as amending some existing leases.

I have also conducted research on the law surrounding the purchase of property via powers of Compulsory Purchase. This is an area of law which I have heard of before, but it wasn’t something which we really covered at university. It was great to have the chance to look into a niche area of Property law and apply my research to a real-life scenario.

March 2024

I have really enjoyed my first month in the Property department and I have been kept very busy! I have enjoyed adapting to a new area of law and working with a new team, everyone has been very helpful.

I have been able to assist the team on a number of tasks which are new to me. Earlier in the month I was able to assist on the completion of a complex transaction for a property development matter. I also had the chance to conduct lease reports and make amendments to existing leases for a lease renewal matter which we have been working on, I found the drafting tasks really useful. Research tasks are not as common as a trainee in the Property department, but I have been asked to research a fairly niche area of property law which I found interesting!

I have been really busy so far this month, but I am looking forward to the rest of my seat and having more opportunities to learn.

February 2024

The end of this month marks the end of my first seat as a trainee at Rollits, I cannot believe how quickly it has gone!  I have really enjoyed my time in the Company and Commercial department, and it feels strange to be moving departments already.

I have been pretty busy this month with lots of corporate and charities work.  For the Corporate team I have conducted some research on fairly a challenging issue, as well as drafting a debenture for one of our larger clients.  I have carried out quite a lot of interesting research on Charities matters, I also had the opportunity to prepare and attend a trustee meeting on behalf of the Charities team.

I had quite a busy month away from the desk.  Earlier this month, I went back to St Marys College to attend a careers fair which was very successful.  Rollits hosted an open day in our Hull office for Hymers College Law Society, I had the responsibility of delivering a presentation on legal career paths.  It was also nice to attend my first Hull Young Professionals event with some of my work colleagues.

January 2024

On my first day back in the office I assisted the corporate team on the completion of a share buyback agreement for one of our clients. This involved preparing all of the documents ready for execution and distributing them in the client meeting. Throughout January I have been involved in some of the earlier stages of a capital reduction procedure as well as a company acquisition. Both of these procedures are new to me, so I have really enjoyed being involved in them.

I have been able to get involved with a lot of charities work this month and I was able to attend a trustee meeting which I found very interesting. I have really enjoyed the varied workload that I have received in this department.

Rollits also held the Annual Staff Conference at the MKM this month, which was a great way to meet some colleagues from outside of the Company & Commercial department.

December 2023

I have had a varied workload this month, which has been a great way to end 2023. I spent a lot of time at the start of this month preparing a confidential bundle of documents for one of our key clients in the Company and Commercial department. I have also been able to assist on a charities/corporate matter by providing research and guidance for a potential Multi Academy Trust merger.

Rollits have hosted several events this month in the lead up to Christmas, it has been nice to be able to spend time with some of my colleagues outside of the office.

November 2023

I have assisted the Employment team by conducting research on some interesting areas of employment law. This has included dismissing employees for conduct outside of the workplace, continuation/termination of employment following the death of an employer, and the implications of a positive workplace drug test.

For the Corporate team I have been able to review a Franchise Agreement to determine the fees which could be applicable for our client in the event that the franchise is sold. I have also helped the team by carrying out some fairly complex research in order to determine whether a company would be classed as a ‘close company’ for SDLT purposes.

Earlier in the month I participated in the ‘Hull Business Fives’ football tournament with some of my colleagues at Rollits. At this event, we competed against some of the top companies based in Hull. I really enjoyed spending some time outside of the office playing football and trying to raise money for our nominated charity of the year ‘Bliss’. Unfortunately, after a decent run, we were knocked out in the final of our tournament.

October 2023

This month I have had the opportunity to assist the Commercial & IP team by reviewing multiple documents for one of our clients. This included reviewing standard conditions for the sale of goods, supply agreements, framework agreements, as well as a confidentiality and non-circumvention agreement.

I have spent a lot of time undertaking work for the Corporate department. This has included signing and witnessing the execution of a lost share indemnity certificate, drafting client letters, reviewing and drafting shareholders’ agreements, board minutes and written resolutions. I have also been asked to research the shareholdings of particular companies and holding companies which was relevant for the property team in one of their transactions.

For the Employment department I have sat in on several client meetings and taken file notes. I have also been asked to research a number of things for the team, such as complex TUPE matters including individuals based overseas, express and implied variations to contracts of employment, and the rules surrounding inducement claims.

I also helped host one of our events by welcoming guests to our Hull office before they attended the Charities Breakfast Briefing.

September 2023

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first month as a trainee at Rollits!  The workload in the Company and Commercial seat is very varied, so I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of matters and carry out a variety of tasks.

I have spent most of my time working in the Employment department.  I never studied employment law at university, but I have learned so much already during my first month.  I have conducted research on issues such as potential detriment claims for whistleblowing, the amount of compensation that can be awarded for injury to feelings, the duty of care owed by employers when providing work references and whether employers can require prospective employees to have DBS checks.  I have also had the opportunity to draft and amend consultancy and settlement agreements.

I have also carried out work for the Corporate department, where I have completed company search reports, drafted board minutes and attended client meetings. I also had the chance to work for the Charities team, which involved drafting and amending a model constitution for the incorporation of a charity.

Aside from working in the office, I have been able to represent Rollits outside of the workplace.  During my first week I helped the team host the launch of the Heritage Open Days event, as well as delivering a presentation on legal careers to law students at St Mary’s College.

I am looking forward to learning more throughout the remainder of my first seat.

Get in Touch

To speak to one of our experts please call one of our offices Hull 01482 323239 or York 01904 625790 or simply fill in the form and we’ll get back to you.