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Harry Milner

Trainee Solicitor

A graduate of The University of Leicester, Harry has just started his Period of Recognised Training with the firm.

Harry’s interest for a law-based career began after a school trip and watching a high profile murder trial at the Old Bailey.  He then began exploring the various career options a law degree would offer. Having enjoyed puzzles and Sudoku’s it quickly became apparent he would enjoy the problem solving nature that commercial law offers.

Wanting an intellectually stimulating working environment it became fairly apparent at University that a career as a Solicitor would be a good fit.


Following his studies at Hull Collegiate School he then moved to St Marys Sixth Form College to take A levels in Law, Politics and Psychology.  Having enjoyed the analytical nature and theoretical discussions of his chosen subjects at A Level, he then went onto to read Law with Politics LLB at the University of Leicester and graduated in 2021 with an Upper-Second Class Degree (2:1).


Before to joining Rollits in September 2023, Harry worked for a year at an outstanding local sixth form college tutoring and mentoring students studying law and politics.