What? Yet more rights for consumers?
From 1 October 2014,amendments to the Consumer Protection from Unfair TradingRegulations 2008 gave consumers a new right to claims damages froma business which is found to be in breach of them.
In order to highlight theissues affecting all businesses who supply either goods or servicesto consumers, Rollits is holding a FREE breakfast briefing onFriday, 23 January 2015 at 9am at their offices in WilberforceCourt, Hull to update business owners on the latest risk to theirbank balance.
Partner George Coyle, whoheads Rollits' Regulatory Team said:
"All businesses that tradewith consumers need to be up to speed with the amendments to theConsumer Protection from Unfair Commercial Practices Regulations asthey expose those who fall foul of these regulations tosignificantly increased financial risks. It is bad enough tobe convicted and fined but it will add 'insult to injury' to thenhave to pay the consumer damages as well"
To book a place at this eventplease email moc.s1739987479tillo1739987479r@ely1739987479oc.ta1739987479p1739987479 or call 01482 337318
This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.