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We always knew this place was special!

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The story of 2017 is one of successful partnerships and on Tuesday 9 January a new exhibition, Tell The World, will open to showcase the organisations who helped make the Hull 2017 story possible.

From bus operators to law firms, manufacturers and construction companies, a total of 80 partners had the belief, commitment and confidence in this city to give £32 million, making Hull's unparalleled year possible.

But it wasn't just about the money: behind the scenes, thousands of staff from organisations across the city did their part to make the year truly remarkable. They embraced every moment and every opportunity to try something new and demonstrate what makes this city so incredible.

In Tell The World, a selection of Hull 2017's partners tell their stories of the year and share their plans for the future.

Rollits, founded in the city's Old Town more than 175 years ago and firmly rooted in Hull, is hosting the celebratory event. A firm believer in the city and a supporter of cultural and artistic programmes for many years, we quickly got behind Hull 2017, supporting it every step of the way.

Ralph Gilbert, said: "The amazing spectacle of Hull 2017's year would not have been possible without the partner organisations who have sponsored the programme. From funding the volunteer army to enabling some of the year's biggest events, the support has helped make the year truly remarkable. It is with great pride that not only have we supported the programme but that so many organisations have got behind Hull and given the city such a boost. We're so glad we've been part of the story, it's been quite a journey.

Fran Hegyi, executive director at Hull 2017, said: "The partners of Hull 2017 have been crucial to our success. They have contributed both significant financial investment and broader experiential support which helped ensure our programme excelled. It has been fantastic that so many organisations recognised Hull's year as something worth supporting and would it could do the for the people and the city. Their generous support for Hull's year of arts and culture has been enormous and the impact can be seen far and wide."

Tell The World will open 10am-4pm from Tuesday 9 January 2018 until Sunday 14 January in Block C, C4Di, Queen Street, Hull.

This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.

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This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.
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