Rollits supports Swerving East in building on Toads success

Rollits responded to supportthe team behind a new and exciting follow-up to Larkin with Toadsas they unveiled initial ideas for their project at an exhibitionin Beverley Minster.
Swerving East organised theevent to present the options for a fun, interactive sculpture trailwhich will be installed across Hull and East Yorkshire in 2016 aspart of the build up to City of Culture.
Rollits sponsored thenetworking event which gave Swerving East organisers theopportunity to bring together the artists behind the concepts,corporate supporters of the project and people from the widerbusiness community.
Del Whitticase, one of theartists involved, said: "The first challenge was in trying to comeup with something that could be better than Larkin withToads!
"The second is that there werefour of us all feeding from the same pond. I was concerned that wemight all be looking at the same things and might therefore developsimilar ideas, but thankfully they are all verydifferent."
Elaine Burke, Partnerships andArtistic Director of Three Ways East, the company behind SwervingEast, said: "When we began our search for artists we were inundatedwith the most amazing applications from all over the world, whichillustrates the global reach of Larkin with Toads and the eagernessto be involved in Swerving East.
"The next step is to get thesupport of more businesses to fund the delivery of Swerving Eastand to take the exhibition to other parts of the region so we canget the feedback from the communities who supported Toads soenthusiastically. Our networking event at Beverley Minster was akey part of that process and we are extremely grateful to Rollitsfor their sponsorship."
Julian Wild, who attended theevent with Pat Coyle and Donna Ingleby, said: "We feel that this isa really interesting concept and can build on the success of Larkinwith Toads, which really captured the imagination of people in thearea.
"Beverley Minster is abrilliant setting, there are four very interesting ideas for theproject and we look forward to seeing it advance to the nextstage."
Further details of the projectcan be found at
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