Rollits looking to retain title of fastest firm

Rollits will be looking toretain its title of 'fastest firm' when companies from across thecity take to the streets for the KC Hull 10K Corporate Challenge onSunday 14 June.
The local law firm took theCorporate Challenge champions' crown in 2014 and is hoping to keephold of the trophy again this year.
Competition will be tough withover 25 companies having already signed up for the 2015 event butJohnFlanagan, partner at Rollits, says his team are ready andraring to go.
'Following on from our successin the 2014 Corporate Challenge when we were crowned the 'fastestfirm in Hull', we will be back to defend our title,' hesaid.
'We're pleased that in 2015 weare entering our largest team to date, with 18 of us from Rollitstaking on the challenge of the Jane Tomlinson Hull 10K this timeround.'
Last year saw over 450 localbusiness people take part in the Corporate Challenge and raceorganisers are confident that number will rise in 2015.
Brendon Smurthwaite, KC'sCommunity Coordinator, added:
'This is the third successiveyear that we've been involved with the Hull 10K Corporate Challengeand it is a great event.
'The numbers taking partcontinue to grow year on year and I know the three teams we'reentering are really looking forward to the big day.'
Teams taking part enjoycorporate hospitality on race day and are also invited to apre-event quiz evening where they can pit their wits against otherlocal businesses.
The challenge is open to teamsof five or more. The times of the first three team members home areadded together and averaged out, with the quickest team carryingoff the trophy and bragging rights.
For more information, and toenter, visit
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