Rollits continue to support the Tigers Trust Enterprise Academy

The Tigers Trust's highly successful Enterprise Academy can look forward to anothersuccessful year thanks to continued funding fromRollits
In September 2011 the firm entered into a three-year communitysponsorship agreement with the charity to provide vital financialsupport for the Tigers Trust's celebrated educational programme toenable them to continue to deliver an accredited award inenterprise and entrepreneurial skills.
The Enterprise Academy was set up with the aim of inspiring andchallenging youngsters to think about business, using Hull City AFCas a real example that they can relate to and understand. Theprogramme offers various courses that are promoted through localschools and that all have a recognised qualification at the end ofthem.
It is vital in this day and age that young people graduate fromschool with as diverse range of qualifications as possible and thisenterprise programme prepares them for employment with a range ofskills to enhance their employability.
Since the formation of the Enterprise Academy, hundreds of localyoungsters have gained qualifications and with our continuedsupport, many more can look forward to participating in theprogramme.
Rollits Partner Ralph Gilbert, who is a keen follower ofthe Tigers, is delighted that Rollits has continued its sponsorshipdeal with the Enterprise Academy.
"As a law firm, we are keen to get involved with initiativeswithin the community" said Ralph.
"We felt that supporting the Tigers Trust and their EnterpriseAcademy was a brilliant fit for us. We enjoy getting involvedin what the Enterprise Academy does in a hands-on way, supportingyoung people with their employability skills as well as helping todevelop their CV writing, personal and interview skills."
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