Rollits bring companies up to date on essential employment law updates
Companies will receive essential information on employmentlegislation at a free seminar held this month.
We will be holding an Employment Law Update seminar at ouroffices in Rowntre Wharf, York on Tuesday 20 March and again atWilberforce Court,Hull on Wednesday 21 March at 9.00am.
Our specialist employment team will inform delegates andprovide discussion on the current problems affecting employers aswell as highlighting issues relating to several topics includingPerformance Management.
Donna Ingleby, Head of Rollits Employment Group said:"Performance Management is assuming significant importance in theworkplace following the abolition of the default retirement age andthe increase in the qualifying period for unfair dismissal claimsfrom one to two years and the expectation that this will create anincrease in Discrimination Act Claims. Managers need to managetheir staff like never before!
"Our employment team have a great deal of specialistknowledge which companies and organisations will find invaluable. Iwould urge them to take this unique opportunity to tap into ourexpertise."
The seminar presentation will cover the followingareas:
1. Performance Management
2. Holidays
3. Employment Law System Reform
4. Workplace pension reform
5. Case Law Update
For further information or to reserve a place please contactPat Coyle on 01482 337318 or email moc.s1739991933tillo1739991933r@ely1739991933oc.ta1739991933p1739991933
This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.