Multiple promotions at Rollits

We are delighted to announce the promotions of five of ourmost talented solicitors.
Richard Stirk has been promoted to Partner, John Flanagan tothe position of Associate and Kate Dixon, David Myers and LottiePigg have been promoted to the positions of Senior Solicitor aftera number of years with the firm.
Richard joined Rollits in 2006 from the College of Law inYork, where he was a lecturer on the Legal Practice Course and theGraduate Diploma in Law. As a highly regarded member of the firm`sfirst-rate social housing group, he acts for Registered SocialLandlords advising on property and other issues and also works onother major social housing projects handled by the firm. Richardalso specialises in property work within the renewables sector. Hismost recent experience includes providing advice on severalhydro-electric schemes in the north of England.
John began working for the firm as a trainee in 2002. Afterqualifying as a solicitor in 2004, he joined the firm`s highlyregarded corporate team, specialising in corporate work includingmergers and acquisitions and joint ventures.
Kate, David and Lottie have been with Rollits since 2006,when they began their careers as trainees at the firm and they allqualified together in 2008.
Kate works in the Company & Commercial Departmentdealing with general corporate matters, whilst Lottie specialisesin employment law and David deals with planning & developmentmatters.
Lottie graduated from Leeds University in 2003 after gaininga degree in politics, before going on to study at York College ofLaw for her GDL and LPC. Kate, who graduated from NewcastleUniversity in 2003 with a degree in law, worked as a paralegal inthe in-house legal department at McDonald`s Restaurants beforejoining Rollits as a trainee and David graduated from theUniversity of York in 2003 with a degree in History, andsubsequently completed the GDL and LPC at the College of Law inYork.
Managing Partner Richard Field said: "We are delighted toannounce the promotions of these individuals. All of them haveworked extremely hard for the firm over the years and thoroughlydeserve this acknowledgement.
"We aim to encourage continual development and trainingthroughout Rollits, so it is very pleasing to see these talentedindividuals progressing in the firm."
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