Lawyers recognised for legal expertise in leading law directory

Rollits LLP has enhanced itscredentials as a leading regional law firm, with eight seniorlawyers being recognised as 'Leaders in their Field' according tothe latest edition of the independent 'Bible of the LegalProfession' Chambers and Partners - the definitive guide to lawfirms in the UK.
The firm was also praised forthe depth and variety of services it offers to clients and receivedrankings in eight different practice areas within thepublication.
For more than twenty years,Chambers has published their directory of the legal professionidentifying the leading lawyers and law firms in the UK. It iscompiled following detailed research over a six month period, andranks law firms and lawyers within 70 legal specialistareas.
Among those recognised, thefollowing Partners have been singled out as "leaders in theirfield":
John Lane whoheads the firm's private capital department receives a top rankingfor his work in the private client arena in the North East andYorkshire.
George Coyleand Ralph Gilbert were both acclaimed for theirwork in litigation. Noted as key individuals, Chambers states"George Coyle is held in high regard for his general commerciallitigation expertise. He advocates and advises in a range ofwarranty, contract, product liability, shareholder and partnershipdisputes." and "Ralph Gilbert's broad commerciallitigation expertise encompasses corporate recovery and complexproperty disputes. He is also often instructed in insolvency claimson behalf of creditors, debtors and practitioners."
Within the corporate team,three Partners receive nominations. SteveTrynka is described in glowing terms as"always an asset around the negotiatingtable" and "extremelyknowledgeable." Richard Field is "noted for hisexpertise across a wide range of corporate law, includingflotations, buyouts and disposals" and Nasim Sharf, isrecommended as a "chartered tax adviser, who handles taxefficiency matters relating to mergers, acquisitions, disposals andprivate equity structures."
The directory goes on to saythat Rollits Corporate team "… are friendly,experienced, knowledgeable and technically verycompetent."
Neil Franklinis recommended for his work in the agricultural sector where he"enjoys an excellent reputation in the field. Sourcesdescribe him as "technically good" and"very personable and knowledgeable." Anotherclient reports: "We found him to be very thorough - hegives good advice." Rollits has a large agriculturalteam which covers the full range of contentious andnon-contentious agriculture matters and are described by clients as"Commercially very aware, the lawyers cut throughthe issues and give goodadvice."
Notable employment practitionerEd Jenneson is applauded by clients for being"… easy to get hold of, quick to respond and talks tous in plain English." Clients also praised theemployment team as "very helpful, very creative incoming up with strong points, and they get back to you straightaway."
Within the Social Housingcategory, Rollits is one of only seven firms in the North East andYorkshire to be recommended and is recognised as a "Stronglocal social housing practice with broad expertise across theregion. Particularly well regarded for charity sectorwork."
Elsewhere in the guide, thefirm was also ranked for its work in Banking and Finance and isrecognised as 'Noted Firm' firm for its work in the Higher andFurther Education sector
Managing Partner, RalphGilbert said: "It is really pleasing to receive such excellentpersonal recommendations once again from Chambers UK, particularlyas it is hailed as "the Bible of the Legal Profession". Thepractice area rankings emphasise that we continue to deliver onclient service in our core areas and such feedback is a valuabletool to help us to improve our service offer in what is a reallycompetitive market place."
Agriculture &Rural Affairs (York, Hull and surrounds)
Neil Franklin
Richard Field
Nasim Sharf
Stephen Trynka
Donna Ingleby
Ed Jenneson
George Coyle
Ralph Gilbert
Private Client (York,Hull and surrounds)
John Lane
Practice AreaRankings
York, Hull andsurrounds
Agriculture & RuralAffairs
Corporate/M&A:SME/Owner-managed Businesses
Banking &Finance
Real Estate
North East &Yorkshire
Social Housing
Education: Institutions(Higher & Further Education)
This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.