Employment Specialist joins Rollits Employment Group

Rollits has recruited another employment specialist tojoin their Employment Group, bringing the number of lawyers in thefirm providing clients with dedicated employment advice tofive.
Ed Heppel, is experienced in both contentious andnon-contentious issues, including tribunal preparation and advocacywill advise clients on all aspects of employment legislation andassist companies in corporate deals. He will work alongside DonnaIngleby, Ed Jenneson, Lottie Pigg and Ruth Everitt in the RollitsEmployment Group.
Ed, who qualified in 2009 joins Rollits as aSolicitor.
He said: "I am really pleased to be joining such anestablished employment team and look forward to progressing in mycareer with the firm. It is a great opportunity to work with someextremely experienced individuals and build on the firm`s alreadyfantastic reputation."
Welcoming Ed to the team, Head of Rollits Employment Group,Donna Ingleby said: "I am delighted that Ed has joined us as hewill give us greater strength in depth within the firm. I lookforward to working alongside him and I am confident that he willuse his expertise and knowledge to great effect as part of ourteam.
"For many firms existing employees continue to throw up afull range of workplace issues for companies, all of which have tobe carefully managed against a background of yet more newemployment rights and protections.
"Rollits` highly regarded employment team is ideally placedto ensure companies are up-to-date with current issues affectingtheir staff and support them in the management of workplace issues,as well as helping firms to put policies and procedures in place toplan for the future."
In a recent survey of the country`s leading law practices,two leading law directories, `The UK Legal 500` and `Chambers andPartners` have once again acknowledged Rollits as one of the toplaw firms in the region for Employment work.
This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.