A date for your Diary – Charities Update Seminar1 banner


A date for your Diary – Charities Update Seminar1

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On Tuesday, 28 June from 9.30am to 11am at Rollits'offices in Hull and Wednesday, 29 June from 9.30am to 11am atRollits' offices in York, we are holding a free Charities Updateseminar

This seminar will provide a comprehensive review of recentdevelopments in legislation and case law impacting upon charitiesand will be presented by specialist lawyers from our Charities,Dispute Resolution, Property and Private CapitalTeams.

Charities Act 2006 - where we are now and what to expect inthe next 12 months, including the Charitable IncorporatedOrganisation (CIO), consolidation and further recent developmentsin public benefit.

Bribery Act 2010 - why charities should not assume that thelegislation does not apply to them and what charities need to knowand do in order to comply.

Fundraising and Legacy Management - latest developments incase law and drafting tips for Appealliterature.

Localism Bill - Community Assets

At the end of the session there will be an open forum wherethe speakers will take questions.

This seminar will be of particular interest to Trustees,Senior Managers and employees of all charities.

For further information or to book a place please email PatCoyle on moc.s1739949956tillo1739949956r@ely1739949956oc.ta1739949956p1739949956

This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.

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This article is for general guidance only. It provides useful information in a concise form. Action should not be taken without obtaining specific legal advice.
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